Sunday, October 23, 2011

Torndirrup National Park: The Gap

A short bit out of Albany, WA is an amazing National Park along the coastline.  There are a few very impressive rock formations.  I was totally salivating and my heart was racing!  As some one you know, rocks are my second love.  

First, the Gap.  This gap was formed from the water pounding the granite rock over many, many, many, many, many years.  Keep in mind this edge was once connected to Antarctica.  The two lands separated about 45 million years ago.  "...Where you see the dark rock that is gneiss which is created deep in the Earth's surface...this hardened into the granite that helped in cementing the two continents together."

View One.  Approaching...
And sheer drop!!!!  You can hear the waves crashing in against the rock.

Walked a little further out, you can see the outer portion and 
how erosion is slowing re-shaping the coastline.

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